Friday, March 11, 2011

Peligroso at Todos Party in Ensenada to Celebrate the Local Community and Say 'Thank You'

PHOTOS (click to enlarge)

The Peligroso at Todos party in San Miguel / Ensenada was to engage the local community of Ensenada and to thanks for having an event on their turf.

In order to grow the local big wave culture, The Peligroso at Todos in partnership with Surfblanks America, Linden Surfboards, Graphite Master, Orosco Glassing, Futures Fins & Stay Covered Surf accessories donated 9'8 Big wave guns complete with Future Quad fins, Big Wave Leash and board bag (needed for the bat ride to the island).

The happy local recipients are:
Nara Nunez
Juan Valdivia
Miguel Arroio
Vicente Yazbek
Jose Zepeda
We hope to see one of the surfers soon dominate at Todos Santos and Nara is aiming to be the 1st Mexican girl to ever paddle big Todos (she is motivated and training for it).

The locals were stoked of the gesture and really thankful for giving them an hand. For them it's has been difficult to go to Todos, they have to pay for the boat ride, and then they rarely have the proper boards (riding small broken boards, in between all of them their biggest board was a 8'0!!!) - now they don't have any excuse! They are supa motivated to train and get on it. They asked Greg and Rusty long to give them a bunch on advises on how to tackle bigger Todos.

It was really special to see their smile and excited eyes when they got the boards and thanked Gary!

Even before crowning the first ever BWWT Champion our primary goal was being activated. That being the growing of the big wave culture worldwide. Essential ingredients for this growth are consistent big waves and the boards to ride them. Ensenada Mexico has the waves, Todos Santos breaks on every Northwest swell to some degree, but until recently very few of the local surfers could be seen out at the Island on a given day. Sure there is the 10 mile boat trip but what were they going to ride once there? Surfboards for riding big waves are a special entity that defy the inclination of modern surfboards designed to generate speed. It is a special situation where experience trumps theory. To catch a big wave the board has to have some volume and the ability to provide a smooth landing,handling the immense power that it is attempting to be harnessed. With the right board big wave surfing becomes a whole lot less intimidating and the possibility to succeed.

To this end a core group of sponsors are coming together to provide the boards that the Ensenada surfers need to pursue the big wave dream. Surfblanks America which is located in Ensenada will provide the blanks and computer cuts of 5 Gary Linden designed big wave guns,Future Fins steps in with the best fins available in the surfing world and making sure the boards stay attached in those extreme conditions, hand tied leashes and board bags will be provided from Stay Covered accessories. Graphite Master provided the material for glassing while Ensenada's Orosco Glassing finished the boards.

We have seen these needs everywhere the Tour has gone through the years and wait with eager anticipation for the emergence of the Baja big wave crew sharing the culture and growing the sport The Peligroso at Todos Santos taking a big shot!

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